The tush push has gone global, particularly observable during Sunday’s NFL conference championship weekend, which was filled with short-yardage situations. When the Philadelphia Eagles are involved, football fans can expect to see plenty of hand-to-butt action. Quarterback Jalen Hurts and his teammates have made the so-called “brotherly shove” a well-known play over the past two seasons due to its effectiveness and the unique visual it presents. Interestingly, the play is also catching on with the German audience. Hört auf das was Björn sagt! 😂 Die NFL Playoffs seht ihr LIVE bei RTL und auf RTL+ #rtlnfl #björn #tushpush #eagles ♬ Originalton – RTL.Sport
On German television station RTL, former Indianapolis Colts defensive end Björn Werner, a native of Germany, demonstrated the mechanics of the tush push with his crew. Host Jan Stecker played the role of the center while Florian Schmidt-Sommerfeld took position at the rear. Werner started the demonstration by giving Stecker a hefty slap on the behind and shouting, “Blue 80! Blue 80! Set. Hut!” This initiated a comical scene where a group of men scuttled across the RTL studio.
While it wasn’t a perfect imitation of the Eagles’ execution of the tush push, recreating that in a studio would undoubtedly be a challenge. In fact, NFL announcers often mention that it’s nearly impossible for other teams to effectively practice the play! There’s something uniquely entertaining about watching a trio of German guys discussing America’s favorite pastime, especially when they bring some playful hijinks into the mix.